Who is the President of the National Council of the Chamber?

Carine Wolf-Thal, a practicing pharmacy owner, has served as President of the National Council since July 2017.

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Carine Wolf-Thal has held a variety of positions since she started her career in 1991. Following pharmacy graduation, she expanded her education by spending a year in a London-based biochemistry research laboratory, before completing a degree in toxicology. After working for a clinical research provider, she joined the pharmaceutical industry, where she spent 10 years as European Clinical Development Manager for an international pharmaceutical company. In 2007, she became a pharmacy owner in Rouen, Normandy and has been involved in various local health initiatives.

Within the Chamber, she has chaired the Regional Council of Haute-Normandie from 2012 to 2015. As an elected member of the National Council from 2015 to 2017, she has been responsible for professional practice, working on many issues related to all kinds of pharmacy practice at national and European level. She was elected president of the National Council of the Chamber in July 2017, and was re-elected in July 2019 for a three-year term.

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